Honda’s Electric Vehicle Plans Has Not Changed

Honda’s Electric Vehicle Plans Has Not Changed

A new platform for Acura’s next electric SUV and the entire 0 Series lineup means Honda has no plans to slow down any electrification plans. “A lot of people are talking about a slowdown in electric vehicle sales,” Honda Executive Vice President Shinji Aoyama told reporters during a roundtable in Monterey. “Our focus is clear based on our goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. “We have not changed our belief that battery-powered EVs are the most efficient solution in the area of ...
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Table set for Honda’s massive bet on Canada’s electric vehicle sector – CBC News

Table set for Honda’s massive bet on Canada’s electric vehicle sector – CBC News

When word of Honda’s soon-to-be-announced electric vehicle investment leaked to Bloomberg News on Sunday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford saw an opening to boast about his government’s success in getting into the automotive battery business. “We’ve overtaken China and knocked them off the pedestal for the first time ever,” he told the First Nations Major Project Coalition conference on Monday morning, referring to Canada’s top spot in a recent global supply chain...
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